Archive for June 6, 2010

I’m grateful that’s it is chilly outside which doesn’t make it such a bad day to do the things inside of the house that I have let go far to long.

I’m grateful for good friends in Al-Anon.

I am grateful for my sponsor.

I am grateful for affirmations from my Higher Power so I know I’m not walking down the wrong path.

I am grateful that I have a closer relationship with my Higher Power and that  my relationship will continue to grow stronger.

I am grateful that AA has given my husband a loving support group that cares about his well being.

I am grateful for the air that I breath.

I am grateful that I can hear the birds chirping outside of my window.

I am grateful that I am aware of my character defects which gives me the ability to change them.

I am grateful for English Breakfast Tea, Lipton Tea and Constant Comment Tea.

I am grateful that my “sickly” dog seems to be having more spunk these days.

I am grateful for the Yankees blanket that will cover me when I sit on my couch to meditate.

I am grateful that I’ve had time with myself alone today.

I am grateful that most of the time I can bridle my tongue when before my tongue was an active participant in anger.

I am grateful for life.

I am grateful for Mysa who has allowed me to pray for her and rejoice with her.

I am grateful that I am off from work today but have a job to report to tomorrow.

I am grateful for the turmoil in my soul because I know that God will use it for good.